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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0492c22.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  187KB  |  522x413  |  8-bit (230 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | sky | vegetarianism | window
OCR: LEADING FIXED RATES IN THE 24 LARGEST METRO AREAS Rate as Houtbh Telephone Region Institution Feb.29 down Points payment namber 30-YEAR MORTGAGES(S100, ,000 Atlanta NationsBanc :Mortgaga 8.50 71 $769 404. 1-491-4016 Baltimore Marsland Natiana i Martgage 8.50 3.00 769 301 -828. 5200 Boston First NewEng ngland Mongage 8.50 1.75 692 617-237 7203 Chicago Capitol Federated 8.38 3.25 760 708-398. 4663 Cleveland Leader Yartgage 8.38 3.60 760 216-696 8000 Dallas Accubanc Mortgage 8.50 2.88 769 817-540-6106 Denver Manian: Natona Morigape 8.50 2.13 769 303 322 7800 Detroit Detroit Saxirgs 8.50 24 3.00 769 313-961 7600 Houston GMACHortgage 8.75 1.00 787 713-522- 1623 Los Angelos Coast Financial Concapts 8.50 2.00 769 818-244-0555 Miamt American Home unding 8.6 1 2.50 778 305-271 1.4570 Minneapolis Tr ...